Delightful and enchanting, the characters childlike interplay come across lovingly in this wonderful debut by SK Maars. I eagerly await her next book!
- Mikey (Goodreads)
This book is so good for younger readers at home or in the classroom! SK Maars does a great job of introducing concepts of growing and change into the lives of younger readers, and Howie is the perfect companion along for the ride. Her ties to British Columbia really shine through, and the book reflects this as it unfolds. The illustrations are fun and they make the story feel even better. Loved it, and I cannot recommend it enough for beginning readers! |
I am so happy I came across this book! Children will learn so much about themselves as they join Howie on his journey to find a new home. Change can be scary sometimes but this story shows that change is okay and how one can adapt to it. It also includes many introductions and lessons about the environment as it is BC based which is so cool. I will be using it in my classroom 100% (as you can make so many lesson plans around it as well)!
- Samantha Alsip (
Such a good find and have recommended this book to all my fellow future elementary teachers/parents. The story develops through big ideas connecting family, identity and growth all while being environmentally aware of the surrounding areas. Best fun and creative BC local find while also a great read all around.
- Jaimee (
This book is red hot! 10/10 S.K. did it again!
- Brandon McLeod (Friesen Press)
What a wonderful story this children's book tells. The illustrations are amazing and so well done that you can see the emotions in Howie and Jays eyes without even reading the story. Can't wait for the next book to be published by this author.
- Sandra Wettlaufer